the mouth of Kelud

15/02/2014 15:09

That explains why the distribution of volcanic ash brought up to a distance of 700 km from the mouth of Kelud within a matter of hours . Not altogether surprising .

Altitude wind direction varying helped determine the direction of the volcanic ash from the eruption of Kelud . free Android word games download The Meteorology , Climatology , and Geophysics ( BMKG ) detects the direction of the wind as it moves in all directions , not just one -way .

At an altitude of 1,500 meters to 3,000 meters , wind direction towards the north and northeast . Then , at an altitude of 5,000 meters turn to the northwest . Among altitude of 10,000 feet and 15,000 feet , the wind moving toward the west and southwest , while above 15,000 feet the wind direction to the east .

" Volcanic ash into a number of directions . There are also volcanic ash that fell into the sea , " said Head of Climate Change and Air Quality BMKG Edvin Aldrian . Volcanic ash repeated out , such as the character of Mount Sinabung , can reduce rain clouds .